Monday, June 20, 2011

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  • webm
    05-22 11:46 AM
    from august 29 to July 28 is moving forward?
    never mind.

    I am confused your words..make sense now..

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  • nixstor
    10-12 03:58 PM
    I was about to send the e-mail and then I decided to clarify this before jumping on to it.
    I am not sure if I am asking the right question, but I am just curious what is the point in sending same e-mails to the editor of the newspaper ? From my experience in talking to them, they seems to be looking for issues and when you have something valid they print. Also a single e-mail from IV talking about us (on behalf of 6000 of us) and the issues we are facing would have sufficed ? Right ? or I am missing something ? I know e-mail as faxes work for political campaign to show numbers but not seen it in news media ?

    Any idea how many emails news media outlets recieve? Do you remember the emails Jim Carey reads in Bruce Almighty? he hee .. Some thing of that sort, if not of that magnitude. By sending more emails, we are making the media cognizant of the fact that its not one person but hundreds of thousands of people. Also, these emails are mostly read by interns and they sort them( In big outlets atleast) The more the emails on same issue from diff people with diff body with same bottom line story gives us a better chance. Do I make sense?

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  • sweet_jungle
    12-19 01:01 PM
    My RD at NSC was 07/02/07 and my EAD status changed to "production ordered" just 5 days back(still dont know when I will get it). I think NSC is taking upto 5 months from RD to process the EADs.

    Hi GCseeker,
    Did you get your EAD?
    My wife's EAD status changed to "card production ordered", 1 week back. Nothing yet in mail.

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  • MerciesOfInjustices
    02-25 12:25 PM
    Sent my second contribution in the last 3 weeks! I will keep contributing till I can, God willing!


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  • apnair2002
    05-11 03:18 PM

    Senate Leaders Expect Immigration Bill Next Week
    Sign In to E-Mail This Print Reprints Save

    Published: May 11, 2006
    WASHINGTON, May 11 � Senate leaders said today that they had broken a political stalemate and would bring to the floor next week an immigration bill that could put millions of illegals on the road to eventual American citizenship.

    An agreement reached today by Senators Bill Frist of Tennessee and Harry Reid of Nevada, the Republican majority and Democratic minority leaders, ends an impasse that has stalled action in the Senate for weeks while immigrants and their advocates have been holding huge demonstrations across the country.

    The deal does not mean that a bill will emerge from Congress soon. But it is significant that the Senate leaders agree to move forward, because the chamber operates under peculiar rules and traditions that can bury legislation indefinitely. Mr. Frist and Mr. Reid said they hope to schedule a vote before Memorial Day.

    Even if the Senate passes an immigration bill, it would have to be reconciled with a bill enacted in December by the House. That bill generally emphasizes border security rather than attainment of citizenship, so negotiations between Senate and House would probably be long and heated.

    "What the Democratic leader and I have laid out is a way to get on to this bill, and as you can tell, both of us are working in very good faith on the various issues that have been raised on the floor," Mr. Frist said.

    "I welcome the return of the immigration bill to the Senate floor," Mr. Reid said. "America's immigration system is broken, and our national security depends on Republicans and Democrats finding common ground to fix it. The assurances I have received from Senator Frist make me hopeful we can finally move forward on real comprehensive reform."

    The leaders' comments indicated that they had resolved the issue that had kept them apart: how many amendments to consider, and how much time to devote to them.

    "I didn't get everything that I wanted," said Mr. Reid, who blocked votes on amendments weeks ago, saying they were intended to gut the legislation. "I think the majority leader didn't get everything he wanted."

    Mr. Frist said there would be "a considerable number of amendments debated and voted on each day," and that they would be handled "in an efficient way."

    Until partisan bickering sidetracked legislation in the Senate in early April, the chamber was working on a package that offered opportunities for eventual citizenship, a guest worker program for some immigrants and measures to enhance border security. The tougher House ill focuses on border security and would crack down on illegal immigrants and those who employ them.

    Mr. Frist said 14 Republicans and 12 Democrats will negotiate with House members once the Senate passes an immigration bill. Seven of the Republicans and five of the Democrats will come from the Judiciary Committee, with the remaining negotiators to be picked by Mr. Frist and Mr. Reid.

    President Bush has said he favors legislation that would enable immigrants to become citizens, but only after they meet strict standards. He has said repeatedly that he does not favor "amnesty," a word that is anathema to many conservatives. "We congratulate the Senate on reaching agreement, and we look forward to passage of a bill prior to Memorial Day," Dana Perino, deputy White House press secretary, told The Associated Press.

    Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, called the agreement announced today "a major step forward in our fight for tough but fair immigration reform."

    "Business and labor, Democrats and Republicans, religious leaders and the American people strongly support our plan to strengthen our borders, provide a path to earned citizenship for those undocumented workers who are here and put in place a realistic guest worker program for the future," Mr. Kennedy said.

    But quick passage is by no means assured, given the complexity of the immigration debate, the emotion it stirs and the approaching elections. Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio, leader of the House Republican majority, said in late April that he opposed the emerging Senate legislation and its emphasis on citizenship attainment. "I don't think that would be supported by the American people," he said.

    But the accord announced by Mr. Frist and Mr. Reid apparently means that immigration legislation will not sink out of sight in "the procedural quagmire that the Senate is," as Mr. Reid put it recently.

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  • krishnam70
    03-25 08:11 PM
    Just because OP steals office supplies ( his bad habit of shoplifting) he is accusing all immigraants. I take offence to that and when someone asks others to make a choice to marry a hooker or a shoplifter wife as a defence to that shoplifter. How crazy is that?

    And you are defending a guy who has committed shop-lifting with this? You should have probably come out with more ammunition than this. Because of ppl like the OP and maybe you, we Indians are getting a really bad rep everywhere. I am sick and tired of defending our community, when ppl like you and the OP defend (or even condone, in the name of an immigration query) such acts with no compunction. Shame on the OP and for defending him, YOU!

    OP, please get lost from this forum and from this country. This country is not for criminals like you (there are enough already). I wish you had gotten a stricter sentence than what you got. And those of you that want to defend the OP or the folks that condone such acts, in the name of immigration, dont need to lecture me on taking this stance - just get lost, will ya!

    I wish the Admins delete this thread and not encourage such postings!

    To the original Poster
    I think you have received some good and some useless advise on this post. It is in your interest to go to an attorney and find out what is the best scenario for you and act accordingly. The offense has been committed and the law has judged you .You have to deal with the consequences whatsoever.

    I did some reading on it and here is the advise on this issue

    do what is right for you..

    - cheers


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  • indyanguy
    01-21 11:58 PM
    So, what are the options for EB3-I? It appears that porting to EB2 will be more difficult moving forward due to difficulties in getting PERM approved especially for IT professions.

    If the recapture of unused visas does happen, what is the estimate on how much EB3I would move?

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  • needhelp!
    12-12 12:18 AM
    Except for 8 & 9..what do they mean?

    Every movement should have following factors to succeed.

    1) strategic, honest and commited leadership
    2) strategic think tanks
    3) High moral and ethical ground
    4) Dedicated volunteers
    5) high volume support from affected masses
    6) Strong communication network
    7) Constant flow of required finance, its control /management and proper
    8) strategic organization
    9) strategic intelligence
    10) Simple but valid and highly effective fighting methods.

    What do you think, in which area you can be fit to make our movement stronger?


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  • chanduv23
    07-08 03:56 PM
    Hello Gurus,

    I too have changed employer (B) from july 1st and have not yet filed AC21.
    I have contacted attorney (who filed my GC and I-485) and he said he needs an authorization email from my old employer (A) to proceed further. I have asked my "A" for the authorization email and he is acting like he is not getting my emails. He is not answering my phone calls, even by mistake if he answers my call he is saying he will call me back, but never called me. i dont know whether he will revoke the I-140 which was approved in around April 2007.

    I don't know what exactly I need to do in this situation like to wait for old employers' call. He was very nice when I was his employee, but from the moment I left the company, he is a changed man.

    What are my best choices in this situation?

    BTW, I have paid all the legal expenses for H1s and GC processing.

    Looking forward to Guru's replies....

    Why does the Attorney want employer's permission? All you need is a copy of i 140 approval notice and "if possible" copy of the labor petition.

    You may want to change your Attorney on file, you can contact some popular attorneys like Rajiv or Murthy and they will gladly help you through.

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  • sanju
    07-14 05:43 PM
    navkap, you seem to be glued to this thread as if you are paid employee of RobEnder. You think this useless group of people are more important than the BRAVE men and women who participated in the San Jose rally. I did not see your post on San Jose rally thread, Congratulating the IV members for their success. But you have all the time in the world to sing songs of the greatness of this RobEnder guy. Do us a favor, take this post with you when you logout.


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  • EkAurAaya
    05-15 09:35 AM

    above site has montreal tracker (filter on consulate)

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  • easygoer
    07-30 05:10 PM
    Any idea what could be spillover nos?


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  • rkg000
    09-14 11:53 AM
    I don't think linking GC to anything, leave alone buying a house, is such a good idea. I bought my house when only my 140 was approved.
    But on the other hand buying a house is a huge responsibility which will, at the very least, take out the flexibility in your movement. Paying rent is not always a waste of money if you look for other means of investment. Hoses are not going to appreciate the way they used to. You'll be lucky if they appreciate by even 1%.

    If your eventual plan is live here permanently, then yes go ahead by all means. You won't find better home prices and better loan rates than now.

    Pay attention to the expenses you'll incur after buying a home, most importantly
    1) Utility Costs (be particularly worried if you live in snow areas).
    2) Maintenance (Regular community maintenance and interior maintenance).
    3) Property Taxes (if you live in areas like NY, NJ, they'll only go up from already Highs)
    4) Child Day care expenses (When you are ready to send your kids to day care, this expense will hurt you the biggest in terms of meeting your mortgage commitments).

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  • srisri007
    05-06 08:48 AM

    I have 3 yrs degree + 1 yr PG diploma. I have been working in industry for past 17 years, and don't think any degree or even doctorate would add much to my qualification for the job that I am doing.

    I am currently filed in EB3 category, and new company I am changing job to are ready to refile my GC. But they won't file my GC in EB2 category, as I don't meet the 4 yr BS requirement.

    My son will be in the highschool in 4 years, and I don't want to spend a lot of money on getting MS to myself. But for the GC I am looking for fastest and cheapest way to get MS program. I have no idea how it works, what qualifies me for a degree, what can I get credits for. Any inputs would be appreciated.


    Hi GC_rip,
    I am as well in the similar situation as you are in. I am looking to do MS from Aspen University. Its is full online program and it costs approximately $4000 to complete masters program. I have been trying to know more about that university and until now I did not hear anything bad about the university except that the univerisity is Nationally accredited university. I am trying to know whether USCIS accepts Masters from Aspen University. Please let me know if you have got any information regarding this.


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  • psethi
    07-01 02:37 PM
    I am trying to efile AP and there is a question regarding date of intended departure and expected length of the trip. I am applying AP for emergency travel and don't have any fixed plans for travel now. Please let me know what to fill if any one is in the same situation who have e-filed.


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  • bsbawa10
    07-01 10:19 PM
    These ppl are talking about giving amnesty to ILLEGALS...let me repeat it.. amnesty=award for being ILLEGAL. They have done that before and all of a sudden we F'KIN LEGAL TEMP WORKERS from India/China have to worry about the LEGAL aspect of filing a law-suit.

    Something is seriously screwed up with this. This is no different than a pseudo-SLAVERY. Now all of a sudden most of you will say, no one put a gun on your head to work. Ofcourse not, but why hell do they create a dual intent H1FU?K Visa where they show you the carrot and create a indentured servant system and discriminate on the basis of the country of your birth. It is discrimination. Trust me when there was SLAVERY in the US , it was defined LEGAL.

    freedom_fighter, your words are very strong but everything you say is a truth.


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  • terriblething
    06-12 12:28 PM
    Should be unanimous for guilty found??? Not by majority?
    Then that's good news for us.

    You knew my attorney tried me with DA question mode. I can only say it is very challenge. He will only ask Yes/No question, and interrupt you immediately if you try to explain something. I believe any man would be emotional in that scenario especially you really feel innocent.

    Just an example, I have not said "push my wife to chair ", but in my statement, DA might ask "Does Police lie for his statement" I'd like to say "it is language misunderstanding". But DA would insist on Yes/No question and interrupt while you just open the mouth.

    We will rehearsal more before go jury.


    I am sure the jury will say that you are not guilty if your wife supports your side of the story. Remember, the verdict should be unanimous. So go for jury trial and request a court interpreter to make sure there is no language barrier.

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  • willigetgc?
    06-30 01:06 PM
    Low Expectations for Obama’s Immigration Speech � The Washington Independent (

    President Obama�s planned speech on immigration reform tomorrow has been lauded as indication of a renewed commitment to immigration reform, as have his meetings early this week with advocates and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. So what will the president say? Unfortunately for reform advocates, not much that�s new: Obama is expected mostly to retread familiar ground on the importance of passing comprehensive immigration reform, rather than offering specific provisions he�d like to see in the law.

    States aren�t waiting for reform � NPR reports that 45 states have introduced more than 1,000 bills and resolutions relating to immigrants so far this year � and polls indicate that most Americans support Arizona-style laws to curb illegal immigration. In theory, the issue should be resolved at a nationwide level to prevent harsh laws from driving illegal immigrants into other states. (There�s some concern that the Arizona law is already having that effect.) But no Republican senator has emerged to back a comprehensive bill, and with midterm elections in sight, rounding up votes for a controversial topic might be difficult before a potential lame-duck session

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  • DSLStart
    09-05 03:49 PM
    The officer from looks & accent seemed orignally from US's southern neighbor. The way I convinced him was repeating how important it was to visit my parents as they are so far away and I get to visit after long time etc..
    But as one of the poster mentioned above, they should make some change in the text and purpose of AP.

    Thanks for sharing this experience, I feel sorry for you that you & your family had to go thru this. I want to check with you what finally conviced the officer to change his initial stand to let you in? This will help us to learn from your experience... Thanks

    07-14 03:20 PM

    Campaign to recapture wasted green cards is LIVE now. Please download the attached Petition. Enter your info using Pen (instead of typing it).

    Mail + Email + Fax at least to two senators of your State and your local representative. I would recommend you to send to all Senators and as many representatives as you can call.

    Please note that this campaign is not in place of other campaigns run by IV. Please participate fully in other campaigns too.

    Please share here who, when, and how are you going to send this petition. Also share, if you get any reply.

    Please feel free to make changes in the letter/petition.


    Here is the list of Senators to whom at least one person has sent the email or fax or mail; The information is collected from the posts in this thread.

    (01) Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
    (02) Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
    (03) George Voinvoich (R-OH)
    (04) Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
    (05, 06) ** 2 NJ Senators
    (07, 08) ** 2 OH senators
    (09) Barbara Mikulski (Maryland)
    (10) Benjamin Cardin (Maryland)
    (11) Mitch McConnell (KY)
    (12) Jim Bunning (KY)
    (13) Coleman (Minnesota)
    (14) Amy Klobuchar (Minnesota)
    (15) Carl Levin (MI)
    (16) Debbie A. Stabenow (MI)
    (17) Johhny Isakson (R-GA).
    (18) Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)
    (19) Warner (Virginia)
    (20) Webb (Virginia)

    08-14 07:22 PM
    The following statistics reflect a steady increase in the number of I-485 applications (including family-based and other cases) during the months before the July VB fiasco hit the roof as is shown in the following table:

    Month New Receipt Total Pending
    June 2007 69,098 597,844

    It is not possible to have 600K total pending cases (= EB + Family + Asylum + Refugee + ...) cases because there were 1,275,795 pending cases in March (according to Ombudsman) AND it is not possible to give 600K+ GCs in 3 months: EB + Family = 140K + 226K = 366K.

    So my understanding is that there were 600K pending EB cases in June. Does family-based GC application have I-485 stage?

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