Thursday, June 23, 2011

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  • chanduv23
    03-20 02:24 PM
    Hey guys, thanks for the replies and the good advice, which helps a lot. It's true that prevailing wage for H1b and CG are different, so I don't think my employer is breaking the least not yet. (Logiclife, what do you think? Wouldn't the attorney had told them that they are breaking the law?) It's just a hard reality check to realize that all the "we care about our employees" is just a smoke screen.

    They do care about employees. They just can't handle immigration and visa issues. It is too complicated for a lot of employees. For a lot of employers, the term H1b visa or sponsership gives "jitters".

    While a lot of employers look at things from their perspective, they do understand all issues that you face. It all depends on how important you are and if your absence would make a difference. If you are irreplacable, and employer thinks they must keep you at any cost, then they will do it, or you have to take care of yourself.

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  • lazycis
    01-09 01:26 PM
    I am in U.S. and I applied here.
    do I still need that I-601?

    More likely you will need it if you leave the country.

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  • mpadapa
    06-06 10:56 AM
    Called all of them today morning. Requested the house reps to co-sponsor the 3 bills. It will be more effective if more constituents (or even CA residents) call in, rather non-constituents like me calling in.

    Some of the offices did mention that they received lots of calls regarding the support for the 3 bills. Good going folks..

    CA folks pl step it up


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  • 485Mbe4001
    05-23 04:17 PM
    As someone who has talked to the congressmen and their staff, i can say that they do keep track of the number of people calling to support or speak against a bill. They can judge the public support or backlash easily. Talk radios inflamed anti immigrant groups who made thousands of calls. We on the other hand analyze the bills to death (in process provide talking points to the opposition), ask for minute by minute updates and start daydreaming on how we will celebrate when the bills pass. We make one call and expect immediate results.

    You might be a 'voteless alien' but realize that you are supporting an economy of 'voters'. In your spare time calculate the amount of money you spend and the ancillary jobs you directly or indirectly support, you will be surprised.

    Finally, the IV folks have some experience and they say things based on some background information that you might not be privy to. Also realize that many hardworking members of IV have their green cards and they are still working for the likes of you and I. I can understand that your post could be an immediate negative reaction of the amendments failure but the fact that you care shows that there is point to your pointless wait.

    looks like ur sunny side is up and its still raw!..;-) (2 posts)

    my point is: citizens matter..not voteless aliens..
    we cannot have the same game plan as numbersusa...

    all i am saying is..maybe we need a newer and innovative approach to get our voices heard.. One speaking head ..not a herd!

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  • Mayday
    03-30 07:49 PM
    I am sorry guys, but I was only able to read through the 1st page; and there are a lot of dumb answers and advises.

    The best you could do now - go to immigration lawyer. Take a $100-$150 consultation and clarify all answers and the following strategies:

    Alex, you did not do it well coming to USA without employer consent, so he has some defense. If you sue him he will argue that he DID NOT ask you to come; or even more ASKED NOT TO COME. if this was the case, it will be cheap for you to just pack the belongings and leave before you are here for 6 months; as staying longer will make you ineligble for any visa for next 3 to 10 years.

    If you both agreed on day of arrival before and you came on day agreed and then was asked not to come to work - you can sue the employer at least for the cost of transportation. You can also sue him for money he must pay you until he officially fires you from work - because what he currently does is "bench sitting" - which is also not legal for him. So until he officially notifies you that he fired you, he must pay.

    If you paid for H-1 fees then you could also try to file a police report on this matter - if the total of fees is less than what you paid then an employer could be responsible for the difference, and you can suspect that all he wanted is to rip you for these money (fraud). This will be especially true if his company profile does not match your skills (he is a restaurant and you are a doctor for example).

    If you leave the country it will be very hard and expensive for you to sue him. So try changing to B2 or consider leaving the country and coming back later. Bad thing about going to B1/B2 status is that you claim you are going to leave the country afterwards; but you can actually change B1/B2 status to H1 but you should not mention you are going to actively look for another job as it is against your claim about leaving country after that.

    Another your mistake is to look for H1 transfer. Since you never worked for any company on H1 you are not eligible for this type of petition. But a new employer can file a new petition and reference your approved but not yet used H1B approval so that you do not need to be counted, and on premium processing they will be able to get response in 2 weeks. It is as simple as transfer but it's not a transfer and most companies will not be able to do that without an attorney.

    So generally I would advise you to use "attorney locators" service as you would pay much less for first consultation with an attorney then or could afford 3 consultations with different attorneys and choose the one who is actually willing to solve this case. You have two lawyers involved: immigration lawyer and labor lawyer and most probably you would need two of them. One to resolve your H1 issue with a new employer if you risk to stay and continue looking for a job, and another lawyer to sue your employer for transportation and probably first month check.


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  • add78
    04-27 03:46 PM
    Below is the text for Waivers.. My understanding is that if end Client gives a letter to DOL stating that they don't layoffs due to this H1B and it is a temp. labor requirement etc.. It is still harsh considering anti-immigration climate.. What is feared asked in a Visa interview will be asked by DOL for extensions. So, H1B can't be on an auto-pilot mode..

    ``(I) the employer with whom the H-1B nonimmigrant would be placed has not displaced, and does not intend to displace, a United States worker employed by the employer within the period beginning 180 days before and ending 180 days after the date of the placement of the nonimmigrant with the employer;

    ``(II) the H-1B nonimmigrant will not be controlled and supervised principally by the employer with whom the H-1B nonimmigrant would be placed; and

    ``(III) the placement of the H-1B nonimmigrant is not essentially an arrangement to provide labor for hire for the employer with whom the H-1B nonimmigrant will be placed.

    the big consulting companies (IBM/Deloitte/Accenture et al) will try to get a waiver by showing the 3 conditions above - however, they need to do so every time a current assignment for their H1B employer ends and they need to place them on a new assignment / client. At that time they need to go through the waiver again, to determine whether the end client has had any layoffs in the last 180 days.

    In short this bill is a disaster for ALL CONSULTING companies that have a large H1B population.

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  • praky
    04-16 01:45 PM
    I got soft LUD on 4/10 and a hard LUD on my wife's application on 4/13. My attorney recd the RFE today and informed that USCIS is requesting evidence of my marriage to be bonafide.

    My attorney is asking for additional legal fees for replying to RFE. Gurus, do you think I should pay to the attorney or can I just reply to USCIS with evidence?



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  • laksmi
    11-24 06:17 PM
    i am working on H1B and my wife is on H4, she was not included in 485 yet so she is not having EAD, can i change status from H1B to EAD, please advice.

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  • sheela
    01-31 07:02 PM
    Just voted. Q is currently at #71


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  • webm
    08-19 01:59 PM
    Total Pending applications :700,000 after Jul-07
    EB3 : 385000 (at 55% of the total)
    EB3-I: 115000 (at 30% of the 385000)
    # of pending apps before Sep-2002: 11500 (at 10% of 115000)

    EB3-I quota per year: 2940 (at 7% of EB-3(42000))
    Years before my priority date becomes current: 3.9:mad::mad:

    Well predicted....:( hope it won't take that long though!!

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  • gene77
    08-11 11:41 AM
    EB3-I, Oct 19 2004.

    God bless us all in EB3.


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  • sreenivas11
    02-11 02:33 PM
    AP i94 valid upto Mar 2009(After returning on AP)
    H1 i94 valid upto June 2011

    Can I still work on existing H1?
    Which i94 valid(AP or H1)?

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  • wandmaker
    06-09 08:03 AM
    Come on Guys/Gals - we can do better.


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  • Lasantha
    09-25 03:44 PM
    The first one on the list. I assumed MRN stood for Moron. (The most of the other encouraging ones were not there when I made that post). Maybe abusive was too strong a word to describe that remark.
    But I appreciate your response and restoring my faith in IV !!!

    Thank you Lasantha for bringing up the issue of abusive remarks. We take this matter very seriously and we do our best to disclose the information of the member who leaves abusive remark. Since you posted about abusive remark, we looked at the remarks posted for you. Here are the remarks left for you in last 1 month. We are not sure which of these remarks are abusive. Kindly excuse us as I personally do not know the meaning of abbreviations MRN or pos. But your help in pointing to the abusive remark will be very helpful.

    Lasantha 10:31, 25th Sep 2008 -152 Simple. Though I had PD 3 years earlier than you I am still waiting for my GC and I am pretty sure it will take more than 2 yrs. Just becuase ur ROW u dont deserve an early GC. Grow up MRN.
    Lasantha 11:25, 25th Sep 2008 50
    Lasantha 14:58, 25th Sep 2008 -46 you are row pos
    Lasantha 15:04, 25th Sep 2008 188 ignore the reds
    Lasantha 15:06, 25th Sep 2008 37
    Lasantha 15:06, 25th Sep 2008 223 I strongly agree with your views, I appreciate your posts, you always post sensible messages. Here is my green to undo the red
    Lasantha 16:11, 25th Sep 2008 0 As you do not care take one more.

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  • msk
    03-30 08:58 AM
    Cannot make it to DC, but donated $100 for the Advocacy effort. Thanks to IV and the volunteers for this effort!


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  • chicago60607
    09-17 12:10 PM
    Voting on the amendment is going on (HR6020)

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  • Macaca
    03-09 07:09 PM
    He quipped me back saying that he is aware of IV and IV is NOT "like-minded" group but "Money-minded" group of people, keeping on asking money all the time....Definately, its sending wrong signal...

    My prioriy date has moved 1 week in 1 year. This is sufficient evidence for legislation ( that requires Hill lobbying ( which requires money.

    Like minded

    I had no understanding about legislation, politics, lobbying and money when I joined IV in Dec 2006. I used to wonder what core is talking about. However, I checked every statement against reliable media reported facts (NOT law firm blogs). I have not found a single contradiction. So I am very strongly like minded with core's direction.

    Here is an example. In Dec 2006, Jeff Sessions was cited by core as the reason to derail the SKILL Bill. Here ( is a recent example of an anonymous person derailing a Bill.

    Money minded

    Lobbying firm is the most important reason for existence of IV; grass root lobbying can be done without IV. IV paid QGA 80K ( in the first quarter of 2006; this is just one expenditure but has a public record. IV has to pay a similar amount to Patton Boggs. About 260*20/month was collected in 45 days in Jan/Feb 2007.

    Why can IV ignore talking about money (when balancing this deficit is very important)?
    How can IV ignore talking about money ALL THE TIME (when it takes 45 days to collect 260*20)?

    State Chapter Participation

    You missed this. We also ask members (ALL THE TIME ( to participate in State Chapters.


    Some (non) members are ignorant about GC problems, legislation, politics, lobbying and IV's activities. It is not possible to understand all of them even in a month. They have to put effort to educate themselves. Hence, the quotes

    Most people struggle with life balance simply because they haven't paid the price to decide what is really important to them.
    If we keep doing what we're doing, we're going to keep getting what we're getting.

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  • waitnwatch
    04-21 11:00 AM
    I sent a contribution ($100) a couple of days ago. Hopefully it has got to you guys.

    04-07 01:35 PM

    Excellent suggestions. We definitely have to think creatively on these lines..

    09-17 02:23 PM
    even criminals involved in illegal gambling are ahead of legals...


    an amendment to respect religious freedom by King
    and agreed to

    Be happy Mr King..please be nice to Zoe and us now

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