Friday, June 24, 2011

what is love quotes and sayings

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  • mnkaushik
    04-18 11:51 AM
    Couple of my friends, who have 3 year degrees from India and also have 2 year Masters degree from India, have not been able to apply for EB2. Their lawyers suggested that 3 year degree are a hindernace to get EB2. They both have not tried applying for EB2 and both have active EB3 applications.

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  • raj1998
    04-21 02:36 PM
    Sent you a PM. please check :p.

    well, you are funny and good at intimidating people and invoking them in the way you want :D
    lets use the energy in positive way

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  • trueguy
    08-12 11:17 AM

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  • akred
    08-25 12:33 PM
    Second the idea of using an ATM card for this purpose. You can get an ATM card for your parents or relatives in India from your local credit union or bank in the US.


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  • vsrinir
    09-17 10:45 AM
    There is one more thread like this.

    Please have only one thread , to consolidate information

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  • srikondoji
    07-10 12:01 PM
    You needn't have a rejection to be part of the lawsuit.
    You can pretty much rely on their revised bulletin and convince the court that your application was/will be rejected and be part of the lawsuit.

    I guess USCIS is getting pretty smart. To be a plaintiff in the lawsuit, your application has to get rejected. By holding your application, it is probably preventing you to be a plaintiff. Smart F***ing A**es


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  • priderock
    05-24 02:42 PM
    They are trying to make sure that current situation is better. The message is clear.If you ask more you will lose whatever yo have also.

    What do you see in this bill that is better ? I really want to know because every one is highlighting the negatives. Are ther any positives as you see ?

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  • gsc999
    07-11 06:33 PM
    Got six. Need one more.
    PM me your e-mail address.


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  • shreekarthik
    01-31 12:43 PM
    it is good indeed. but i just happened to visit and it says this news "no more labor subs" is just a rumor of the day.

    can u provide a link. This rule is bad for AILA because of the loss of revenue and hence they were against it. But since this is in the "Final Rule Making" process there's not much they can do. BTW u don't need to have the I140 approved for the LC sub to go thru. U just need the labor substitution approved stamp before the rule gets published.

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  • swamy
    11-27 07:03 PM

    I think I did last week - yeah they are the lowest of the low cheerleading xenophobes and nativisthatemongers like lou


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  • Better_Days
    09-23 08:30 PM :mad::mad:

    I actually had to go and visit the URL to really make myself believe that someone can be this dumb. Well to each his own.

    One thing I did notice was the comment "it is soon becoming the voice of rich and/or EB2 Indians only -- all other categories will either have no direct advantage with the efforts put in by IV, or they will actually see some negative effect from its activities. But that will be the case with any organization that claims to stand for a particular class. In reality, every core group will stand up for it and only itself."

    Does someone care to explain this? I am EB3-ROW, I have occasionally donated and occasionally called but I don't think IV has ever HURT my case?

    On a side note: just on the off chance that the comment is true and IV is truly a community of RICH Indians: can I borrow some money? :D :D The eay I look at it, if 50 of these rich, EB2 Indians give me $ 10,000 each, I can get my GC by investment and I will pay you all back in 2 years. :p

    Have fun guys/gals: life will turn out as it is meant to turn out.

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  • sc3
    09-24 01:55 AM
    You are right, it is very hard to digest, even for you, who seems to support it. And, if I may add, your example it too "complicated" for me. Try giving easy example for me, I am kind a slow, maybe I should get some "preferential treatment". Yes, that's the word, "preferential".

    Country quota is NOT affirmative action, nowhere even close. If you are socio-politically dominated by Indian or Chinese, yes, then it is affirmative action. But if you do not come from a place there Indian and Chinese imperial powers have taken over the country, then how are you socio-politically dominated by Indian or Chinese. And if you are not dominated by Indian or Chinese in the country where you came from, then how could it be "like" affarmative action.

    Maybe you yet don't know, but Indian and Chinese EB applications cannot vote and they do not have any representation in the US government. So its not that you are "not properly represented" and Indian and Chinese have all the representation. WE ALL HAVE NO REPRESENTATION. Just so that its clear.

    Your next argument is that you are "overwhelmed" by Indian and Chinese so there should be country-limits. Well, I can understand that, we are very overwhelming people. You see 40% of the world population gets 14% green card, we tend to become "overwhelming" for other.

    Observation: Each time, I reply to each and every part of your post. But you totally ignore what I write. You did not answer whether you think you are equal? inferior? or superior? That is the question. Hope you answer that.

    Quota system treats everybody anything but "equal". And this is not just the question of equality, because I am sure you agree that we are equals. It is the question of PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT. You are in the category getting preferential treatment, so you oppose any change, you "create" arguements that you were "promised" a system when you came, and thus any change to the system, before you get your green card would be WRONG and UNFAIR. So you should continue to get that PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT. And PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT to you is NOT WRONG AND UNFAIR. Right?

    BTW, hope you liked the You tube video, Frank is really good. I do not want you to go, so that's why I posted the video. Hope it helped you to stick around. Now don't say you have the right to watch it 5 times and I can watch it only once because I am from India and you are ROW :D


    I did answer you question, though not explicitly. I hinted that all of us are equal. And BTW: I am an Indian!! (with India as my chargeability area).

    Everybody: no posts about frogs pulling down frogs, alright. This discussion is anything but.

    And Thanks for the vid post. I am a sucker for comedy (anything to get out of the tragedy that is GC process).


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  • ek_bechara
    06-05 04:04 PM
    I just called all the numbers and left messages. Wouldn't it be more impactful if we have someone like Vinod Khosla represent us. These calls are great but someone who can walk directly into the Congresswoman/Congressman office will give us greater mileage in our efforts.

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  • NKR
    01-31 01:01 PM
    I think a few hours is left to vote. so pls do now.


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  • gsc999
    07-11 12:25 PM
    Fellow IVians or IVers. Whichever you prefer:

    You may not be able to attend the San Jose rally but you can still be part of the effort by volunteering to help call the members in California and inform them about this event. You can call even if you are on the East Coast. This is urgent!

    This will help us focus on other logistic issues like banners, posting flyers.
    Your help will make the San Jose peaceful walk a success!

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  • kubmilegaGC
    09-15 11:14 PM
    It seems like its just me and kubmilegaGC left from June 2004. Anybody else from June 04?
    We are going to GET THERE @cali - really anyone else with June 04 or prior?


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  • Green.Tech
    06-18 11:58 AM
    Keep calling, folks. We are making headway. Don't quit, not now, not ever!

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  • anzerraja
    07-19 07:50 PM
    Raju & all others

    My apologies !!!

    Here is the link

    Could you please add your message there.

    I cannot find this thread and the link does not work. I pledge $200

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  • trevor
    01-14 02:39 PM
    filed a WoM (writ of Mandamus) in New York..what a joke..FBI Name check delay for 5 years !!!!

    Time to wake up FBI/USCIS

    05-04 10:52 AM
    Many folks suggest that this BIll (when turns into a law) would promote outsourcing..but how does these set of changes being proposed by Odama's admin. would affect outsourcing??

    I know it wont "stop" outsourcing in any way but seems like they claim that they are " taking away the tax advantages of companies shipping jobs overseas"...Iam sure its more complicated than that..

    However the kind of tone being set by the incumbent these days, I believe reflects the current administrations policies that might trickle to us(documented workers) as well.. not sure..

    However this can be also looked at, the adminstartion si trying to "show" that they are doing whatever they can disccourage companies from sending jobs overseas..and then eventually take a stab at CIR..wishful thinking..:D

    02-13 04:10 PM
    I realize that there is no point in telling you guys anything. When you don't have an open mind, you can not accept the facts. It's like banging your heads against steel wall. When you are not even ready to diagnose the disease, there is little hope you will be able to cure it. Denial is a beautiful thing.

    So I apologize for my comments.

    Here is something you will love:
    Congratulations IV and the core team! Keep up the good work.

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