Tuesday, July 5, 2011

kristen stewart 2011 oscars

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  • migration route, Kristen

  • plassey
    08-23 03:17 PM
    My apologies to all, I guess I am just having a bad day!:(

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  • kristen stewart 2011 oscars.

  • GCaspirations
    10-01 08:37 PM
    Hey Sparky_Jones,

    You are the first guy whose case was transferred to CSC and you got the FP notices. Can you shed more light as many pople, like me, are stuck with no FP notices and we all had Receipts/EAD/AP from CSC...And now the files are back to either NSC or TSC...


    His case appears to be adjucated by CSC and it did not get transferred back to NSC. Probably that is why he received his FP notice.
    But who cases have been transferred back to NSC from CSC have not received the FP notice.

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  • Found: Kristen Stewart#39;s 2011

  • lazycis
    12-28 06:44 PM
    so is it the notice date or recipt date that counts.. If someone filed on July 2nd, but the notice date is August 15, where do I coutn 180 days from.

    Look at the notice and find "Received Date". That's the start date.

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  • RDB
    01-06 03:08 AM
    Yes, completely agree....PMP is akin to CCNA type of certifications and MBA is akin to a MS in Computer Networking. I will not go into details explaining the difference but just getting CCNA only helps you get a job, not advance in your career - where as a MS degree will always help in advancement. Ofcourse, there are exceptions and nothing is set in stone but that's the general rule of thumb.

    I am not sure why the 2 are being compared. One is a professional degree while the other is a certification. MBA prepares you (in theory) for several different jobs (marketing, finance, ops, general mgmt etc.) while PMP is primarily to "check the box" on program management. With all due respect to the PMPs (and other PM credentials) I havent seen any additional skills that PMP provides.

    Yes- I have an MBA and a PM certification and work with several IT PMs/techies but an not in IT myself.



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  • 2011 People#39;s Choice Awards

  • Rajeev
    11-03 03:02 PM
    It is high time, we support this initiative from Senator Menendez.


    "It seems that the bill S 1085 (the Reuniting Families Act (RFA) has become active again. I received e-mails from Senator Menedez and Senator Lautenberg talking about the bill. Senator Menendex mentioned the recapture employment-based visas that haven't been used in past years so that they may be used in future years. Among other things, he also mentioned that he will continue to address the concerns of employment-based visas in the context of comprehensive immigration reform. He is the sponsor of the S 1085 bill.

    Senetor Lautenberg mentioned "Under current immigration law, employment-based immigration is limited to 140,000 visas, or green cards, per year. The process for obtaining employment-based visas can take years to complete, causing many of these visas to go unused. There is also an annual per-country limit that caps at seven percent the number of employment-based immigrants that can come from any one country. In some instances, this per-country cap causes employers to consider country of origin, not talent, when hiring foreign workers.

    A bill has been introduced in the Senate that would address some of these delays and caps. The �Reuniting American Families Act� (S. 1085) would recapture unused employment-based visas from prior years. This bill would allow the Department of Homeland Security to issue any unused visas from Fiscal Years 1992-2007 and in the future roll over any unused visas from one year to the next. It would also increase the per-country cap for employment-based visas to ten percent of the annual total."

    It seems that Senator Menendez is doing a lot of work to bring relief to all immigrants including employment based. It may be brought in the lame-duck session in December.

    Please call your Senators to co-sponsor/support this bill."

    kristen stewart 2011. Kristen Stewart Latest 2011
  • Kristen Stewart Latest 2011

  • gc28262
    07-29 02:07 PM
    Probably you are right. But the issue is not the country limit!!!!!!!!

    Take example EB3, how you think will look like EB3 on the next visa bulletin without country limits. EB-3 probably will be June 2002.:eek:

    You are saying that because you are from ROW.
    I would be delighted since I am from EB3-I. That is what is unfair about this country cap. You probably filed your GC in 2009 and is already impatient. Think about people who came to this country in 2000 or before still waiting for their GCs.

    Some of them has aging out kids who will lose their eligibility because of this long wait.


    kristen stewart 2011. Kristen Stewart - 2011 MTV
  • Kristen Stewart - 2011 MTV

  • salcom3
    07-13 07:59 PM
    I totally agree with you akgind.
    Here is my daughter's case:
    1994 she was 8 years old when we brought her to USA
    2002 asylum case was denied, we had to go back to our country (we didn't stay illegaly)
    2002 after one month we came back, with H-1 visa, daughter with H-4
    2003 I applied for LC
    2006 My daughter turned 21 - She had to change status to F-1 (of course college fees were triple). She is out of LC process because of her age.
    2007 LC approved, she is still F-1 and paying a lot of money in tuition.

    I mean, these kids like my daughter (and I am sure there are thousands like her), deserve a break too. If the DREAM ACT is going to benefit illegal persons, it should also benefit children that have waited for their parents' LC process for long years only to see their hopes destroyed.

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  • kristen stewart 2011 pics.

  • gc28262
    01-26 06:32 PM
    Maybe it has no legal validity. But still why to accept it. If they ask you to pay the fine/penalty, you will have to fight it before winning.

    You can do one of these.

    1. Ask them to remove the clause from the letter
    2. Strike out the portion that mentions these and then sign it. Keep a copy of the signed document for yourself for future needs.

    If this is just a "standard", they should not object to one of these. By the way such open ended terms are not common in offer letters. It definitely sounds fishy.


    kristen stewart 2011. Kristen Stewart - 2011 MTV
  • Kristen Stewart - 2011 MTV

  • test101
    07-06 06:21 PM
    they are talking about about nursing shortage,,, I"m an RN unable to work becuase of the current situation. RN educated in US .... and they talk about why there is nursing shortage. There are hundred nurses inside us unble to work becuase of this situation......sheesh... this is sad.

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  • Kristen Stewart - 2011 MTV

  • aau
    08-22 01:40 PM

    Ya, this one is famous on the east coast for its 'Masters' degrees. The on-campus recruitment fair has representatives from every desi consultant co. within 1000 miles.:p


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  • phanta
    07-14 12:58 PM
    - How has greencard changed your life after receiving it?
    - What did you do on the day you received it?
    - How did the long wait upset your life?
    - How did immigrationvoice help you during this long wait?
    - Would you like to continue your support to immigration voice and help others waiting?

    I got my GC after 6 years of application and 10 years arrival. Initially the GC was not a goal, probably a mistake.Later on it felt like it was hampering my dreams. With the passage of some more time, realized that dreams were not really dependent on the GC, but it was a nice crutch. Getting the GC does bring about some stability brought about by the job flexibility, but the lack of one did not prevent me from changing jobs, marrying, having kids, buying a home, or searching for better opportunities. I really can't say, I lost a good opportunity because I did not have a GC, but I did use it as an excuse.
    Nevertheless, not a look a gift horse in the mouth, the GC was a much awaited event and milestone. I am now officially an immigrant, and I did open a champagne bottle on that day and have a dinner out with the family.

    - Any advice for everyone?
    It is easy to give this, since it would no longer apply to me, nevertheless, I would advice one to plan one's life without the feeling of entitlement and the understanding that the GC in itself will not change your life by a whole lot(it will have a lot of impact for some, but on average, lives for most will go on) . The ability to take risks, plan for risks and to compromise is independent of it. If not GC, then something else will replace it. So don't fret, fume or drown in sorrow, it will happen in time, with a constant plod towards the goal.

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  • kristen stewart 2011 pics.

  • cse_us
    07-24 04:57 PM
    Here's update on my cases

    Self e-filed: May 30, 2008
    FP: Jun 25, 2008
    Card prod ordered: July 23, 2008
    EB3-I / PD: Mar 2006 / I-485 - RD: Jul 2007

    Will post about duration as soon as I get the cards in hand.

    I Efiled mine on may 19th, FP on jul 3rd, no update yet.
    Efiled my wife's EAD on may 30th, FP on jun 24th, Card prod ordered July 23rd.

    We are currently working on EADs which expire on 30th Aug.
    Am worried if I will have the card by then or not.
    If i dont have the approval by aug 19th, I am planning to take Infopass for the interim EAD.

    It sucks to see they dont follow FIFO or atleast close to FIFO, so much variation as some june filers received card in june itself.

    Jul 2nd filer, EB2 - PD Apr 2007


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  • jitnair
    08-05 09:50 PM
    But consider this: I just posted this in the approval thread:

    Looking at the overall approval trend in IV, , Murthy forum etc it is clear to me that FIFO is out of the door and in most likelihood low hanging fruit is being plucked from the tree. At the next Ombudsman call I am going to raise the issue of USCIS's declared commitment to FIFO but actions that seem completely contrary to it.

    Obviously anonymous postings in open forums cannot be presented as evidence but one can certainly request the Ombudsman's office to ask for monthly 485 approval statistics and the cat will be out of the bag. By the time the wheels of Goverment bureaucracy move it might be a month or two before this data is made available to the Ombudsman's Office; forget the applicants - that will be like asking for the moon.

    Regardless of whether I get approved or not in the next month or two; from a process perspective a monthly approval report going from the USCIS to the Ombudsman's Office each month should hopefully force them to stop this stonewalling and walk the talk.

    This will not only help EB2s down the line but spare a thought for next year when EB2 is current, EB3 has a cut off of June 1, 2006 and we start seeing May 2006 EB3 approvals when 2001/02 EB3s are still pending. Again I welcome suggestions but the focus of my effort is going to be the approval process rather than a personal case or two.

    Agree - Only solution is to process by PD, rather than anyother dates - Also the PD porting mechanism needs some review. Once the position in line is set it should be set for ever - It is simply unfair for deserving folks waiting in line from 01 (if they are truly 'waiting' that is) if an 04 guy gets approved just becoz. he got his app at NSC/TSC's door a few days earlier. I dont think anyone will complain with that kind of a rule - other than may be USCIS as their processing statistics/metrics may become complicated.

    May be writing to Ombudsman will help in this regard.

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  • kevinkris
    12-03 06:10 PM
    Hi Guys,

    Applied 485 on Aug 15th got our FP notices friday scheduled on Dec 20th



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  • pointlesswait
    11-25 04:44 PM
    the quaterly spillover.. is that just speculation.. or has USCIS confirmed it?

    I dont see any news release saying that there will be X number or quaterly spillovers...

    Can IV get some kind of inputs..on how sure are these quaterly spillover rumours??

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  • md_alien
    04-13 11:14 AM
    Linkified (http://travel.state.gov/visa/frvi/bulletin/bulletin_3219.html)


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  • indianabacklog
    03-17 08:49 AM
    Just cut your losses and so much time that you have already spent on trying to salvage this I140.

    Was in exactly the same position as you are now six years ago and had to start a new application.

    I still do not have a green card due to the labor certification backlogs and visa number retrogression but at least have got an approved I140 and AOS in process.

    My advice to you is, MOVE ON!

    Spend your money on a new application with the correct wording in your adverts and in the more applicable category.

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  • sac-r-ten
    05-12 03:21 PM
    Interesting. Talk to congressman and senator - talk to IV - IV also helps in these situations.

    How does one find the local congressman/senator's contact info?
    i would like to get help on my MTR/re-appeal for 140 denial.


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  • Atpugkeviv
    12-14 12:31 PM
    The status on USCIS site chagned from initial receipt to approved and sent after about 105 days of receipt notice. I hope I recieve it next few days. I had applied to Dallas lock box - paper application.

    09-02 03:10 PM
    Akhil, can you PM the copy of the letter you sent in with your AP renewal (efile). Also what did you enter in Class of admission? how much fee did you have to pay - 305 or 385?

    Thanks in advance

    07-10 10:18 AM
    I think we should dedicate one day on leaving messages at his show. Lets make it a saturday/sunday. All the members can leave messages, asking him to be fair.

    I know a lot of ppl will come back saying its of no use blah blah............

    whole idea is to try. If ppl only get motivated by results, then there is no point trying at all...........

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