Thursday, May 26, 2011

apple mac wallpaper

apple mac wallpaper. apple mac wallpaper. apple
  • apple mac wallpaper. apple

  • truz
    Jan 19, 02:46 PM
    I agree with you here, I want to order a macbook so bad, but the fact of having shared graphics kills me. I work with photoshop and I would like to have a dedicated graphics card, yet a small screen for travel. I'll buy an external lcd when I need a large screen at home or use my 20" imac.

    All i want is a smaller MBP.

    15 inches is much too big IMO, at least for my needs.

    I will be ready to buy around the end of Feb.

    Hopefully by then I'll have a new release to spend $$ on.

    apple mac wallpaper. mac wallpapers gt; apple
  • mac wallpapers gt; apple

  • noahtk
    Apr 19, 11:16 AM
    I can't wait for it to arrive in the mail!

    apple mac wallpaper. apple wallpapers for mac hd.
  • apple wallpapers for mac hd.

  • ryu3000
    Mar 4, 08:05 PM
    I've had this one for a couple months. :cool:

    apple mac wallpaper. apple mac wallpaper. apple mac
  • apple mac wallpaper. apple mac

  • MrCrowbar
    Jul 12, 07:36 AM
    I just wonder if that also measn the Macbook Pro will switch to Magnesium. I mean, Apple liked to make their things look similar to each other in terms of finish. If iPods and MacPros will be Magnesium (although I think Magnesium is a bit too tough and expensive for a computer standing on a floor or desk), it's very probable the MBP will follow with a new look and magnesium finish.

    I know some guy whose 12" powerbook has fallen from not too high and its modem port hit a corner. Now the whole thing is a bit warped and there's a metal dent making it impossible to use the modem. That thing wouldn't have happened with a more elastic (in the phisical way) material. I'm just happy my Macbook is plastic. It looks a bit like from the 80s but I like that. :p

    apple mac wallpaper. 25 Stunning Mac Wallpaper
  • 25 Stunning Mac Wallpaper

  • Zweben
    Jul 11, 03:23 PM
    yeah whats the real difference between magnesium and aluminum?

    Magnesium is flamible and burns VERY bright.

    I can see it now: Do not smoke while using iPod.

    apple mac wallpaper. Apple Mac iPhone Wallpaper
  • Apple Mac iPhone Wallpaper

  • cbrain
    Jan 9, 01:21 PM
    I know how you feel, I was really looking forward to iLife 07...

    apple mac wallpaper. 40 MAC wallpapers (Choose your
  • 40 MAC wallpapers (Choose your

  • Squonk
    Aug 17, 03:16 PM
    Now watch: Apple will introduce the iTunes movie store this year, but Lions Gate films will be missing.


    Didn't Apple drop some flash memory provider over a similar statement before the Shuffle was announced?

    nah nah, nah
    nah nah, nah
    Lions Gate, good bye

    apple mac wallpaper. apple mac wallpaper.
  • apple mac wallpaper.

  • Michaelgtrusa
    Apr 28, 12:11 PM
    Oh yeah!?!?! Very honor-bound I'm sure! For a country that is number 1 in the world for software piracy and other forms of theft of intellectual property they have a very strange way of showing it.

    On the other hand, Apple knew when they decided to manufacture their products in China, what they were bargaining for! These people sometimes live in extreme poverty and need to find any means of supporting their family. For Apple it is just money but for these people it is their lives and their family's life. It just goes to show how companies like Apple make their money. To us North Americans they paint a very pretty picture of themselves but underneath the surface they are corporate savages who are willing to strike down any human being that gets in their way to make a buck.

    Agreed! China is a western creation in many ways.

    apple mac wallpaper. Apple wallpapers available
  • Apple wallpapers available

  • gorgeousninja
    Apr 11, 07:29 AM
    This will be one of the few books I will read in my life...

    that is a joke,... right??

    apple mac wallpaper. apple-mac black and white
  • apple-mac black and white

  • kingtj
    Apr 6, 01:29 PM
    Bah.... I'll agree that trashing a perfectly good iPad is a bit painful to watch, but at the same time -- spare me the environmental guilt trip over it. Blendtek's people paid the same price for theirs that anyone else had to pay to obtain one. Whether the iPad in question was destined for a blender, or for someone's book reading or video watching enjoyment for the next few years is irrelevant. The fact is, its *purchase* is what helped some people stay employed, from the factory workers doing its assembly to the guy paid to box the unit up, to the truck driver paid to deliver it.

    If its destruction helped Blendtek sell some more blenders (or even create some additional brand awareness at a budget price), it wasn't a "waste" to blend the thing at all, from their standpoint. It was $500 well spent!

    I'm not worried about having to "explain this to someone who has nothing", because such an individual wouldn't really grasp why ANYONE would spend $500 or more on such an unnecessary luxury item as an iPad. You could get a book from a local library for FREE and read it! You could rent a movie for as little as a dollar and watch it on someone's TV/DVD player! You could get on the Internet for free from that same library that loans you the books!

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    This pisses me off. It's a horrible example of decadence and wastefulness. Thing of all the energy and effort that went into making this device. From the mining of the metals to the labour to shipping it across the ocean. The truck that drove it to its final destination. If you've ever given any care to the environment, this should make you mad. Imagine explaining this to someone who has nothing. It went through a long journey. Did nothing. Now it's landfill. Sickening.

    apple mac wallpaper. Apple Mac Wallpaper 7.
  • Apple Mac Wallpaper 7.

  • torbjoern
    Apr 12, 10:36 PM
    Turkey is also the first Asian country to ban such garments. Turkey is a transcontinental Eurasian country:)

    That's affirmative. Interesting enough, there was also another Muslim country which outlawed such garments even before Turkey did, but that was in Northern Africa.

    apple mac wallpaper. apple mac wallpaper. wallpaper
  • apple mac wallpaper. wallpaper

  • Liquorpuki
    Apr 7, 12:58 PM
    Its crazy that because my house is powered by wind, If I got a leaf, it would be a wind powered car!

    And if your house was powered by landfill methane and you got a leaf, it would be a sht powered car!


    apple mac wallpaper. Background Apple MAC
  • Background Apple MAC

  • Aussie John
    Oct 20, 03:30 AM
    With the live icon preview in Leopard (as well as Vista's Live Icons), you actually get to see the word document, text or PDF file, web link, etc.. as it really exists as the icon. It's just another way of conveying more information to the user at the expense of more system overhead..
    I dont get it - file preview already shows this information for PDFs TXT JPGs but admittedly not other apps

    apple mac wallpaper. apple-mac-icons-wallpaper
  • apple-mac-icons-wallpaper

  • cyberrob
    Sep 12, 11:02 AM
    just can't you wait another hour for the stream

    i'm so excited...


    apple mac wallpaper. mac-crashed-apple-wallpaper
  • mac-crashed-apple-wallpaper

  • jhstew1
    Mar 24, 11:34 AM
    You can answer that question best.

    Check your order status. If nothing has changed, well, you have your answer.

    great idea thanks i never thought of that...:confused:

    apple mac wallpaper. Apple Color
  • Apple Color

  • tigress666
    Apr 30, 10:33 AM
    I think you can easily make $70-$90/month by flipping burger....

    I think he meant some one trying to make a living on a "Burger King" wage could afford that.

    You do realize that when you are making a living you have to for a roof over your head, food, heating, transportation to and from work (at least if not to the grocery store too) all of which are more important than a cellphone plan (nevermind a smartphone plan which really is a luxury).

    Sure, if that's the only thing they have to pay for they can easily afford the smartphone plan. I know I couldn't afford it if I wasn't splitting it with my roommate (family plan with lowest minutes, extra line, his company gets him a discount for being an employee with them, no texting). Even then with the hours I'm getting I'd probably be better off not having it (I just got so addicted and I'm not quite at that point yet).

    apple mac wallpaper. Wallpaper Apple MAC
  • Wallpaper Apple MAC

  • torbjoern
    May 1, 11:07 AM
    What on earth are you two on about? :confused:

    It's the EU's country now. When Brussels says "jump", his government will jump.

    apple mac wallpaper. Apple Think Green 2.Apple Mac
  • Apple Think Green 2.Apple Mac

  • Catfish_Man
    Oct 13, 03:30 AM
    What and where is RADAR?

    Radar is Apple's internal bug tracking system (has been since 1991, iirc).

    The known issues list there is pretty harsh... sounds like lots of half done changes to me :)

    apple mac wallpaper. Mac (Apple) Wallpaper
  • Mac (Apple) Wallpaper

  • PDubNYC
    Aug 17, 03:40 PM
    Ad feminam attacks aside, I think you may be underestimating the damage this kind of leak will do to Apple. Competitors now have confirmation of Apple's plans and can push for competing deals to be negotiated so that their stores can come out at the same time as Apple's. The leak is an attempt by Lion's Gate to bring more competition into an area that Apple is blazing the trail for. All Mac users should defend Apple and do whatever we can to help the mothership.

    Honestly, you are the type of Mac user that makes me embarrassed to be a Mac fan. "The Mothership"? Are you even f'n kidding me? It's a corporation. And if you don't think that competitors have a very good idea of where these deals stand, then you are in need of an eye-opener. It is the consumers who are in the dark, not the industry.

    That's all I can say. I will continue on using the Mac platform, and telling those around me what I see are the pluses of it, but you will never see me take things to the level you have, with a battlecry to come to the aid of a large company that certainly doesn't need our help in dealing with a movie company. Good luck to you.

    Apr 4, 07:00 PM
    So the reality is there is a slightly larger market share where developers don't make squat, and a slightly smaller market share where developers have already earned over 2 billion dollars

    Then there's the BREW market... mostly apps on dumbphones... where developers have earned over 3 billion dollars. Lucrative for carriers, too.


    Hey, is there a good analysis anywhere that shows how many iOS developers actually make a living from sales?

    Two billion dollars spread out over 350K apps averages less than $6,000 an app. But it's more likely that most either earn nothing (free apps) or just a few hundred dollars, while a comparative few make the majority of income.

    Thanks for any pointers!

    Apr 17, 01:56 PM
    what the hell is iphoneitalia?? Do they have any cred whatsoever?

    Aug 2, 03:56 PM
    I doubt there will be a silver bullet feature that will blow away vista, but overall improvements will take OS X to the next level.

    but what is there to get excited about? spotlight (which is rarely used) is faster...wooo... running windows easier...great, not really an upgrade to the mac os, though...

    i'm going to assume we're gonna get these things, but there will almost certainly be some big features that we haven't thought of yet.

    Jun 12, 10:36 PM
    Hi Jim, in theory what you're wanting to do "shouldn't" pose a problem. You may have to get it done at an actual ATT store though. BestBuy uses a propitiatory system to do all of our phone transactions and account management. While the system we use does allow us the capability to do what you are wanting, the people using it will more than likely not know how to do it. Unless you go to a pretty decent store (a higher revenue band), chances are the mobile associates will not have been trained to do these things.

    For example, when the 3GS first came out, they were completely unaware that I could purchase it for early upgrade for only 199 or 299, since it was the special iPhone early upgrade. They were turning away clients left and right because they only knew how to sell the iPhone to new clients. They didn't even realize they had the ability to sell someone an iPhone who was still under the 2 year contract for an extra 200 dollars, they were just turning people away.

    I would suggest calling your local store and asking speak to either the BestBuy mobile manager, or whomever has the most seniority in the mobile department. If they give you a straight answer then you should be good, if not, then they haven't been properly trained and there's little they will be able to do for you.

    That's what I was afraid of, but thank you nonetheless for confirming that the fears are valid -- I'm sure the store is one of the best, it was a pilot for the BB/Magnolia concept when it opened a few years ago (Sterling, VA), but I'll probably just pre-order at the Apple Store and save the coupon for something else. Thanks again for the info!

    Mar 8, 09:16 AM
    Any idea if this will work under 10.5.8? My boot rom matches up, but I haven't upgraded to SL because I don't want to break the functionality of my Duel Adapter to read/copy Panasonic P2 cards - essentially my reason for getting this model, the last 15" w/ an express card slot!



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